0318: Klikky Crap Power Hour!

Title: Experimenting with the PowerPuff Girls 

Author: Prince of the Forgotten

Medium: Cartoons

Topic: PowerPuff Girls

Genre: N/A

Critiqued by: Linstar

Hello everybody, and welcome back to the Asylum. I’m Linstar, and today I’m back with a solo riff of two Klikky fics! …well, a fic and a chapter, at least, though I’m using the word “chapter” quite loosely.

In any case, this chapter is the new fifth chapter of EWPPG, which, up until quite recently, was up instead of its previous fifth and sixth ones. Now why would Klikky do such a thing? Why would he replace two chapters of dull rambling with a different chapter of dull rambling? Let’s find out!

Chapter 5: Quick Update

Hey, guys. I know that it’s been a while, and even with AI, 

Oh, believe me, we’ll address that in due time.

it’s been kind of a slog to continue writing. 

Because everything you write is a slog?

I want to do so, and I keep coming back to it. 

Do you have to, though?

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