0166: A Very Thin Wire, Part 1

Title: A Very Thin Wire

Author: keepingiteasy

Topic: Harry Potter

Media: Literature

Genre: Adventure/Fantasy

URL: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13784423/1/A-very-thin-wire

Critiqued by Fox

Good morning, Lunatics! Or evening, or night, or whatever time it may be for those reading this. I’m Fox, a disembodied voice living in your device, and I’ll be at your service today! Or tonight, I’m not picky. First time on the job, so here’s hoping this all turns out well enough.

On the menu today, we have a fairly long Harry Potter fic! At over 58,000 words, it’s only kept from being longer because it’s unfinished – according to the author it’s a rewrite of a pre-existing fic. However, it hasn’t been updated in more than a year so it’s safe to say new chapters during the spork are unlikely.

Without further ado, let’s get right into the meat of things! Bon appetit, and whatnot.

Chapter 1: a beginning

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