0330: The Ides of March – Chapter 1, Part 2

Title: The Ides of March

Author: eventidespirit 

Topic: Gundam Wing, Sailor Moon, LOTR?

Media: Anime

Genre: Humor, Adventure

URL: The Ides of March 

Critiqued by: Em Kay

Greetings and salutations, Wardens and lunatics. I’m Em Kay, and today we’re finishing off the first chapter of this supposed Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing, and potentially Lord of the Rings crossover that has had neither Gundam Wing nor LOTR so far.

Harri, idly twirling her dagger in her chair under the clock: Truly a crime against humanity.

And Harri is also here.

Harri: I wouldn’t be if you’d just let me do my job.

You’re not the only one with a job here. You can do yours once I’m done with mine. Anyway, let’s get to the recap.

Last time, we had a long, rambling LOLRandom intro where all the Sailor Scouts fought each other over various LOLRandom things before finally getting to the actual fic. Unfortunately for us, the supposed plot of that fic is that Serena’s mother lost her marbles over the Ides of March and called everyone in town in the middle of the night to warn them about the vagueness of the bad things that could happen.

Harri: Can we get on with it, already?


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