0331: Doom: Repercussions of Evil and Mark II

Title: Doom: Repercussions of Evil
Author: Peter Chimarea
Media: Video Game
Topic: Doom
Genre: Sci-Fi/Parody
URL: Original
Critiqued by: Delta XIII

Greetings and salutations, everyone! Delta XIII here! I’ve finally decided to step up from just contributing to group riffs and do a guest riff of my own.

Now, some of you may recognize both the stories being riffed, as well as the style I’m using. Since I’m really just testing the waters at the moment, I decided to tackle of one of the most infamous badfics out there:

Doom: Repercussions of Evil

As the original story itself is incredibly short, clocking in at only 211 words, I’ve also made this a double-feature by including a later-released rewrite that aims to make it into an actual, coherent story.

As for my riffing format, when I originally wrote this, I was a fan of Cinema Sins, and although I’ve long since gone off that channel, I’ve decided to keep the format, since I feel it works well for me.

And since I know a number of you will probably notice: yes, I have covered this before back at the Library, but that was back in…

*checks notes*

…2018. Dear God, I’m feeling my age catching up to me.
Er, anyway, I figure it wouldn’t hurt to re-cover familiar territory for my return. Don’t worry, this won’t just be a copy-paste of the original riff; I may recycle a few jokes, but it won’t be all of them.

So, without further ado, let’s rip and tear into it, shall we?

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