0344: This Episode of Badfic is Called

Title: This Episode of Bluey is Called Punishment and Toilet Training

Author: Lycans are Gods Gift To Furrys (for the former) and BELover for the latter

Media: TV Show

Topic: Bluey

Genre: Crappypasta (for the former), Unknown (for the latter)

URL: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14191085/1/ and https://bluey-fanon.fandom.com/wiki/(HELP_WANTED!!!)_Bluey_Season_4_Episode_4_-_Toilet_Training

Critiqued by: mysteryleap

I have two short badfics for you today, and yes, they’re about Bluey. I know some of you might be angry that Bluey badfic exists, but don’t shoot the messenger! The first one is on FF.Net, the second is a wiki devoted to Bluey fanfic that I found incidentally during a Google search related to the show.

WARNING: The first contains a character being murdered, although it’s a Crappypasta, so it’s impossible to take seriously.

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