0260: 16 year old superheroes + two (the final chapter!) and Winny teh poo (Oneshot)

Title: 16 year old superheroes + two

Author: stanleyMay

Topic: Batman, Super Sons, Gravity Falls, Danny Phantom, Miraculous Ladybug

Media: Comics/TV Show

Genre: N/A, this is AO3

Critiqued by: Linstar and Batjamags

Ls: Welcome back to Bats’ and my coriff. Today, we’ll finally end this mess of a chatfic, and cover a oneshot trollfic. Both are short, so let’s get into it!

Chapter 7: Oldest Problems

The biggest Trio

Ls: Huh? Who is this?

*Bruces Phone*
Greek- Diana
S(Hope) – Clark

Ls: Even I know who those three are. Not sure why Wonder Woman is “Greek” or why Superman is “Shope”.

Continue reading “0260: 16 year old superheroes + two (the final chapter!) and Winny teh poo (Oneshot)”

0256: Just here for some reason (Ls and Bats bad chatfic coriff): Chapters Five and Six

Title: 16 year old superheroes + two

Author: stanleyMay

Topic: Batman, Super Sons, Gravity Falls, Danny Phantom, Miraculous Ladybug

Media: Comics/TV Show

Genre: N/A, this is AO3

Critiqued by: Linstar and Batjamags

Ls: Hello, and welcome back to the Asylum. Today, Bats and I have more of the torture-fest known as “16 year old superheroes + 2”. On the plus side, we’re more than halfway done, so… yay?

Bats: I’m excited for all the way done.

Ls: Oh, and before we get into it:

Brief warning: this fic contains mentions of suicide.

Continue reading “0256: Just here for some reason (Ls and Bats bad chatfic coriff): Chapters Five and Six”

0251: 16 year old supermorons + two: Chapters Two and Three

Title: 16 year old superheroes + two

Author: stanleyMay

Topic: Batman, Super Sons, Gravity Falls, Danny Phantom, Miraculous Ladybug

Media: Comics/TV Show

Genre: N/A, this is AO3

Critiqued by: Linstar and Batjamags

Ls: Welcome back, y’all, to 16 year old superheroes +2. Man, that is an awful title.

Bats: We have more opportunities for me to infodump actual DC stuff in this part, so hopefully I can make a bit more sense of… some of this. Maybe. Kind of. Or at least have pre-written infodumps to cite next time I’m doing DC fics?

Bats: Also, Ls did pictures for the characters he introduced last time, but I didn’t, so:

Bats: Damian and Jon, respectively.

Bats: Mara, in the process of making me kind of like her. I mean, she beat up Damian, she beat up Starfire, she beat up Beast B- Hey, wait a minute, you leave Raven alone! And- and Wallace, I guess. I don’t really know anything about him.

Bats: Colin Wilkes…

Bats: … And Colin again in his Hulked-out form.

Bats: I can’t help you with Parthian Guy.

Ls: Eh, oh well.

Continue reading “0251: 16 year old supermorons + two: Chapters Two and Three”

0246: 16 year old superheroes + two: Chapters One and Two – Ls and Bats coriff

Title: 16 year old superheroes + two

Author: stanleyMay

Topic: Batman, Super Sons, Gravity Falls, Danny Phantom, Miraculous Ladybug

Media: Comics/TV Show

Genre: N/A, this is AO3

Critiqued by: Linstar and Batjamags

Ls: Welcome back, you poor unfortunate souls, to the Asylum. I’m Linstar, and with me today is Batjamags!

Bats: Welcome!

Ls: Today we’ll be covering a fic that features characters from Miraculous Ladybug, Gravity Falls, Danny Phantom, Super Sons, and Batman in general. I am familiar with the first two fandoms, and Bats… is Bats, so hopefully we should be familiar with most of the characters.

*Bats pumps a shotgun*

Bats: I’m familiar with one or two of them, yes.

Ls: Just one quick piece of background information: this particular fic is a chatfic, which means it’s just characters texting. In this case, it’s in some weird megacrossover group chat.

Ls: Yeeeeah.

Bats: Let’s look at the summary, uh, not that it’s… helpful.


Insect:[Picture of destroyed Paris]

Ls: I hate it.

Bats: And here I was told that we’d always have Paris.

Insect: don’t worry darling I’ll choke you later

Ls: Aaaaaagh what?

Bats: Going off the deep end quickly, I see.

Continue reading “0246: 16 year old superheroes + two: Chapters One and Two – Ls and Bats coriff”

0182: Bizarre Batman Shortfics Bat-Stravaganza

Title: Batman: race against time [sic]

Author: benjaminblakely807

Media: Comics

Topic: Batman

Genre: Crime / Adventure

URL: Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4

Welcome to the madhouse, wardens and lunatics! I’m your guest host, BatJamags. If you don’t know me, I was on the Asylum’s predecessor site, Library of the Damned, for, what, five-ish years before it went inactive? Anyway, I missed riffing.

For now, I want to do something short and simple rather than any kind of extended project. There are a few reasons. First, while I’m going to try to stay around as an active commenter, I think it’s a bit early to commit to writing riffs regularly again. I might, I just don’t know if I’ll have the time. Second, I figure a new site should mean a fresh start. Third, I wanted to come back on a fic for my usual favorite fandom, Batman. But it’s… kind of hard to find Batfics that make good riffing material, especially when you categorically refuse to read anything that features Damian Wayne like I do. The section is 60% Damian content, 30% other interchangeably boring fluff about the Robins, 9% gigantic marathon fics of varying quality, and 1% utterly incomprehensible shortfics.

Welcome to that last one. I have a veritable rogues gallery of not one, not two, but three separate fics for you today, each more unfathomably bizarre than the last.

Let’s look at our first contender’s summary!

Batman is in a deadly game as he’s supposed to kill commissioner Gordon before batgirl dies. Rated for intense action violence

Well, that’s, uh, not much to go on, other than the dubious sense of capitalization. We’ll see how much, uh, “intense action violence” we get here.

Continue reading “0182: Bizarre Batman Shortfics Bat-Stravaganza”
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