0260: 16 year old superheroes + two (the final chapter!) and Winny teh poo (Oneshot)

Title: 16 year old superheroes + two

Author: stanleyMay

Topic: Batman, Super Sons, Gravity Falls, Danny Phantom, Miraculous Ladybug

Media: Comics/TV Show

Genre: N/A, this is AO3

Critiqued by: Linstar and Batjamags

Ls: Welcome back to Bats’ and my coriff. Today, we’ll finally end this mess of a chatfic, and cover a oneshot trollfic. Both are short, so let’s get into it!

Chapter 7: Oldest Problems

The biggest Trio

Ls: Huh? Who is this?

*Bruces Phone*
Greek- Diana
S(Hope) – Clark

Ls: Even I know who those three are. Not sure why Wonder Woman is “Greek” or why Superman is “Shope”.

Continue reading “0260: 16 year old superheroes + two (the final chapter!) and Winny teh poo (Oneshot)”

0135: Unexpected Destination: Redo (Oneshot)

Title: Unexpected Destination: Redo
Author: SUN of TITANS
Topic: Half Life/Halo
Media: Video Game
Genre: Sci-fi/Adventure
URL: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5683037/1/Unexpected-Destination-Redo
Critiqued by Crazy Minh and Lt. Colonel Wade

Komtraya, my wonderful Lunatics, and welcome back to The Asylum!

Oh dear god, you cannot seriously be quoting Harlan.

Shut up. Anyway, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, welcome back! I’m your riffer of the day, Crazy Minh, and with me once again is Lt. Colonel Wade, our Chief of Security!


After the nightmare that was The Courier’s Daughter, I’m going to be doing a series of oneshots to cool off before my next big project. While we’re still sorting things out, I will soon be doing a collab with Em shortly over a Dead Space/Godzilla fanfic that I found; but that won’t be out for a while yet. So, today, I thought I’d cover this six-thousand word oneshot from the Halo/Half Life crossover section of Fanfiction dot net! Since these are both relatively well-known canons, and since I’m concious of time, I’ll give each a brief summary before we start.

Continue reading “0135: Unexpected Destination: Redo (Oneshot)”
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