0235: Em’s Christmas Oneshot-palooza

Title: Spyros Christmas

Author: desert-rose90

Topic: Spyro

Media:Video Game

Genre: Adventure/Romance

URL: Spyros Christmas

Critiqued by: Em Kay

*The door to the office opens and Em enters with bits of wrapping paper and ribbon clinging to her and an odd crunching noise every other time she takes a step.*

Oh, hang on.

*Em lifts one foot and removes a piece of paper stuck to the sole of her shoe.*

Sorry, I just had to extricate myself from a wrap-o-lanche. But it’s okay, we even found most of the minions already.

Anyway, greetings and salutations, Wardens and lunatics. I’m Em Kay, your snarker for the day, and have I got a treat for you.

*Em sits at the desk and, after picking off a few stray pieces of wrapping paper from her sleeve, opens a drawer and pulls out a laptop covered in various holiday themed stickers.*

That’s right! We’re getting festive.

*Em pulls a particularly stubborn piece of wrapping paper from her hair.* Yeouch! Man, I hate people who wrap with packing tape.

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