0348: My Inner Life – Chapters 17 and 18

Title: My Inner Life
Author: Link’s Queen
Media: Video game
Topic: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Genre: Nonsense
Critiqued by: BatJamags; MisterShoebox; Linstar; Yuki, la poétesse de neige; Delta XIII

Bats: Hello, wardens and lunatics! 

Ls: Another week, another dose of the toxin that is My Inner Life.


Shoe: Yaaaaaaaaay I am going to get even with you, Bats. I have no idea how yet. It’s going to involve a sack full of rabid weasels but mark my words, revenge will be mine.

Bats: Since this fic’s deciding to have a plot this late in the game is so random, our first chapter can only be…

The Encounter

Bats: Roll for initiative!

*Ls’ Role the Dice flashbacks intensify.*

Ls: Stay away, Drugo! No peeking!

Delta: *dice rolling noises* …how the hell does a D20 land on its corner?!

Bats: Very carefully.

Grabbling my bow and my (9)Phoenix circles

Bats: Oh, boy, let’s take a look at the doubtless perfectly well thought-through explanation for whatever those are!

Ls: Must we?

Continue reading “0348: My Inner Life – Chapters 17 and 18”

0343: My Inner Life – Chapter 16

Title: My Inner Life
Author: Link’s Queen
Media: Video game
Topic: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Genre: Nonsense
Critiqued by: BatJamags; Delta XIII; Linstar; MisterShoebox; Ben the Destroyer; Yuki, la poetèsse de neige 

EDITING NOTE: This was meant to go up a little over twenty-four hours ago, but I somehow scheduled it for the complete wrong day and time? Uh, anyway, it exists now.

Bats: Hello, wardens and lunatics! This is going to be a short one, since the previous and next chunks work out better this way. I’m sure you’re all disappointed.


Ls: This sounds… promising?

Shoe: At least it’s short. Yaaaaay.

Benji: I don’t have an excuse when I fall asleep again. 

*Alarms blare early*

Bats: I- what? What happened?! We haven’t even started the fi-

*The DRD arrives early, before they normally would, preemptively breaking into the riffing chamber before they have cause to and capturing a worm, which they take.*

Bats: I, um, that was… certainly something that just happened.

Ls: I’m not sure why, though.

Bats: Uh, anyway, let’s move on…

Down the Road

Bats: … shall we?

Continue reading “0343: My Inner Life – Chapter 16”

0339: My Inner Life – Chapters 13-15

Title: My Inner Life
Author: Link’s Queen
Media: Video game
Topic: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Genre: Nonsense
Critiqued by: BatJamags; Linstar; MisterShoebox; Delta XIII; Ben the Destroyer; Em Kay; Yuki, la poetèsse de neige

Bats: Hello, wardens and lunatics!

Ls: Hell. O.

Bats: Unnecessary O; recommend deleting. … Wait, this isn’t the Google Docs comments, is it?

Ls: No, but it is Hell.

Bats: That would explain all the paints; should’ve brought a smock.

Ls: Hell is Satan’s art studio. 

Ls: …I’m sure someone else has said that before. 

Shoe: Hi, Bats! I just want you to know that I’m happy to be here and I HATE YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW.

Bats: That’s what I’m here for.

Delta: I’ve returned, and I’m going to make it everyone else’s problem.

Ls: Great.

Benji: I somehow dropped off to sleep in the last riff. Did I miss anything? 

Ls: Not anything of worth, to be sure.

Bats: If we’re all together, I think it’s time for…

The Separation

Yuki: Yay.

Bats: Bye, everybody.

Delta: Parting is such sweet sorrow…

*Ls begins to weep at the emotional departure.*

Continue reading “0339: My Inner Life – Chapters 13-15”

0334: My Inner Life – Chapters 6-12

Title: My Inner Life
Author: Link’s Queen
Media: Video game
Topic: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Genre: Nonsense
Critiqued by: BatJamags; Linstar; Yuki, la poetesse de neige; Delta XIII; MisterShoebox; Ben the Destroyer

WARNING: This is the one where they drink each other’s pee. … Yeah.

*Ls bangs loudly on the door of the riffing room.*


*Delta slumps in his chair, rapidly downing bottles of Vodka Mudshakes*

Delta: There’s no point. We are, unfortunately, in this for the long haul.

Bats: Hello, wardens and lunatics!

Shoe: *Cheerfully*. Fuuuuuck you! :D!

Yuki: Why are we still here just to suffer?

Bats: Because I’ve read this fic multiple times and I don’t want to suffer alone!

Benji: When do I admit to once drinking my own urine?

Ls: Never?

Continue reading “0334: My Inner Life – Chapters 6-12”

0332: My Inner Life – Chapters 4 and 5

Title: My Inner Life
Author: Link’s Queen
Media: Video game
Topic: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Genre: Nonsense
Critiqued by: BatJamags; Linstar; Delta XIII, MisterShoebox, Em Kay; Yuki, la poétesse de neige; Thunder; Ben the Destroyer

Bats: Hello, wardens and lunatics! Theoretically speaking, if I’m going to run a riff I should probably actually participate in it at some point, but I ran out of time again, so I will let my kidnappees take it away and maybe be more involved next week…?

Ls: Hello, all. I’m baaaaack!

Delta: Unfortunately, so am I.

Shoe: Yar.

Thunder: *quietly implodes*

Benji: I currently have the ‘Vid, so every time I laugh it causes my chest to hurt. Wish me good luck…

Back in Hyrule

Ls: Yeah. There. 

Delta: Not in any specific spot or anything, just “in Hyrule”. Somewhere.

Benji: Wait, they left Hyrule for their honeymoon? I assume all that terrible sex happened on a nearby coast? Seriously, how fast are these horses? 

“Welcome home, how was thy honeymoon?” The King questioned. 

Ls: It was horrifying. 

Benji: Link and Jenna did weird shit.

Continue reading “0332: My Inner Life – Chapters 4 and 5”

0324: My Inner Life – Chapters 2 and 3

Title: My Inner Life
Author: Link’s Queen
Media: Video game
Topic: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Genre: Nonsense
Critiqued by: BatJamags; Linstar; MisterShoebox; Delta XIII; Yuki, la poétesse de neige; Thunder; Ben the Imposter 

Bats: Hello, wardens and lunatics! I was still kind of out of it while we worked on this one, but we are back.

Ls: Hooray for more of this stuff.

Delta: *unenthusiastically blows party horn*

Yuki: *listlessly serves popcorn*

Thunder: *flops over, mentally bracing for suffering*

Benji: This is the fate I’ve chosen…

Continue reading “0324: My Inner Life – Chapters 2 and 3”
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