0246: 16 year old superheroes + two: Chapters One and Two – Ls and Bats coriff

Title: 16 year old superheroes + two

Author: stanleyMay

Topic: Batman, Super Sons, Gravity Falls, Danny Phantom, Miraculous Ladybug

Media: Comics/TV Show

Genre: N/A, this is AO3

Critiqued by: Linstar and Batjamags

Ls: Welcome back, you poor unfortunate souls, to the Asylum. I’m Linstar, and with me today is Batjamags!

Bats: Welcome!

Ls: Today we’ll be covering a fic that features characters from Miraculous Ladybug, Gravity Falls, Danny Phantom, Super Sons, and Batman in general. I am familiar with the first two fandoms, and Bats… is Bats, so hopefully we should be familiar with most of the characters.

*Bats pumps a shotgun*

Bats: I’m familiar with one or two of them, yes.

Ls: Just one quick piece of background information: this particular fic is a chatfic, which means it’s just characters texting. In this case, it’s in some weird megacrossover group chat.

Ls: Yeeeeah.

Bats: Let’s look at the summary, uh, not that it’s… helpful.


Insect:[Picture of destroyed Paris]

Ls: I hate it.

Bats: And here I was told that we’d always have Paris.

Insect: don’t worry darling I’ll choke you later

Ls: Aaaaaagh what?

Bats: Going off the deep end quickly, I see.

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