0328: Wild At Heart Chapters 41-47

Wild At Heart (Zuko) 

Title: Wild At Heart (Zuko) 

Author: Lone-wolf-fanfics

Topic: Avatar: The Last Airbender

Genre: Hurt/Comfort (emphasis on hurt)

Critiqued by: Linstar 

Hi, hello, greetings, ciao, salut, and welcome back to the Asylum! Don’t mind the DRD, and do please take care to not mind them, because we’re once again covering Wild at Heart! Last time, Death Kermit angsted about her racebending and ran away, only to regurgitate her way into more Cute Animal Friends. The counters are thusly, and the bingo board still stands:

Sentenced. To. Death: 270

Be Original!: 26

Get… to… the… point!: 144

Chapter Forty-One                                             

A/N – I know that this isn’t the way the show and the timeline play out, 

This is fanfiction! Please, for the love of Those Gods, don’t assume you are obligated to follow the events of canon to a T. All I ask is for well-written original content.

but I like the idea of Kali getting more involved with Appa because of her abilities. 

The chances of this being well-written original content are low.

Plus it is a good way to show how far she’s coming with who she is and stuff in the time that she’s been away from Zuko and Iroh.

Ah, so we’re attempting character development. We’ll see how well this goes.

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