0345: War is Anything but Patriotic – Chapters 1-3

Title: War is Anything but Patriotic

Author: inuhime313

Topic: The Patriot

Media: Film

Genre: Adventure, Romance

URL: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3   

Critiqued by: Em Kay

Important note from the editor:

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Greetings and salutations, Wardens and lunatics. I’m Em Kay, your snarker for today and, judging from my neighbors’ sudden need to set off extremely loud fireworks every night, it’s that time of year again.

*Em opens a desk drawer, takes out a laptop covered with various holiday themed stickers, and opens it.*

What festive fic we can fi-

*Em is immediately hit in the face by a fic completely covered in American flags.*

Well, I guess we’ve got our fic. Let’s see what homage to patriotism we’ve uncovered this time.

*Em gently leafs through the flags to find the title.*

War is Anything but Patriotic

A preachy yet potentially edgy title. And it’s rated M for… *Em flips through the fic* …some swearing and a very mild sex scene.

So this fic is based on the movie The Patriot, a film from 2000 set mostly in 1778, during the Revolutionary War. Let’s just take a look at the summary to see exactly what we’re dealing with.

When Benjamin Martin’ oldest daughter Rebecca gives up her freedom to Colonel William Tavington to save her younger brother Thomas’s life, her life is confusing. Will she fall for the Colonel or will she pass information to the militia? TavingtonOC.

Wow. That’s pretty creepy, to be honest, but we’re going to need an infodump for you to understand why.

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