0345: War is Anything but Patriotic – Chapters 1-3

Title: War is Anything but Patriotic

Author: inuhime313

Topic: The Patriot

Media: Film

Genre: Adventure, Romance

URL: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3   

Critiqued by: Em Kay

Important note from the editor:

If you choose to read this fic on your own, make sure you are using the desktop version of the site, and not the mobile version. Due to formatting issues within the fic, the mobile version is not coherent.

Greetings and salutations, Wardens and lunatics. I’m Em Kay, your snarker for today and, judging from my neighbors’ sudden need to set off extremely loud fireworks every night, it’s that time of year again.

*Em opens a desk drawer, takes out a laptop covered with various holiday themed stickers, and opens it.*

What festive fic we can fi-

*Em is immediately hit in the face by a fic completely covered in American flags.*

Well, I guess we’ve got our fic. Let’s see what homage to patriotism we’ve uncovered this time.

*Em gently leafs through the flags to find the title.*

War is Anything but Patriotic

A preachy yet potentially edgy title. And it’s rated M for… *Em flips through the fic* …some swearing and a very mild sex scene.

So this fic is based on the movie The Patriot, a film from 2000 set mostly in 1778, during the Revolutionary War. Let’s just take a look at the summary to see exactly what we’re dealing with.

When Benjamin Martin’ oldest daughter Rebecca gives up her freedom to Colonel William Tavington to save her younger brother Thomas’s life, her life is confusing. Will she fall for the Colonel or will she pass information to the militia? TavingtonOC.

Wow. That’s pretty creepy, to be honest, but we’re going to need an infodump for you to understand why.

As I mentioned, the film is set mostly in 1778, two years into the Revolutionary War. It focuses on Benjamin Martin and his seven children. The secondary theme of the film (after “‘Murica!!!!”) is devotion to family.

Benjamin Martin is probably loosely based on Francis Marion, a real Revolutionary War figure known for his guerilla warfare tactics in an age where you just didn’t do that sort of thing. 

Benjamin is a veteran of the French and Indian War, which took place twenty years earlier, who settled as a farmer in South Carolina. His wife died sometime before the events of the film for unspecified reasons and his children range in age from about twenty years old to I’m guessing about six. The “Rebecca” named in the summary is not one of them, she’s an added-in OC, although kudos to the author for giving her a period-appropriate name.

Benjamin’s oldest child, Gabriel Martin, is roughly twenty and by the main events of the film has been serving in the Continental Army for two years. As is common at his age, he is idealistic and motivated primarily by his principles. The movie often juxtaposes this with his father’s more mature concerns.

Thomas Martin, the second oldest and the brother mentioned in the summary, is fifteen. He is just as idealistic as his older brother, but much more impulsive because, well, fifteen.

There are three more even younger Martin brothers, but they aren’t featured in the film or the fic, so we’ll move on to the two canon daughters.

Margaret Martin, often just called “Meg,” is probably around ten years old. She’s often used for reaction shots in the beginning of the movie but, like the rest of the younger children, hardly seen at all after that.

Susan Martin, the youngest child, is maybe five or six and mute despite the family’s efforts to encourage her to speak. She’s definitely there to embody the metaphorical heart of the movie.

And now for the creepy part of the summary, Tavington. 

Colonel William Tavington, the commander of the British Green Dragoons, is a fictional character very loosely based on Francis Marion’s main opponent, Sir Banastre Tarleton. If he looks familiar, you’re probably recognising the actor from his more famous role as Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter films. 

The two characters aren’t dissimilar. Both are portrayed as intelligent but heartless villains with no redeeming qualities opposing a protagonist who represents love, friendship, and family. The main difference is that while Malfoy is motivated by power and control, Tavington seems to be evil purely for its own sake. He makes no distinction between active combatant and surrendering wounded, callously slaughtering them both equally from horseback. And it goes downhill from there. His own commanding officer, General Cornwallis, chastises his “ungentlemanly behavior” with no effect and Tavington earns himself the nickname “The Butcher.”

And, according to the summary, this is our potential love interest, folks. Now you see the creepy?

There are a few more characters who will come up, but this infodump has gone on long enough. We’ll just address them as they appear.

To the fic!

Chapter 1: Taken by Tavington

I really hope that means “carted off” and not the other usage of “taken.”


Holy Hand Grenade, did you have to scream the disclaimer at me?

*Em shakes her head slightly.*

Can we get to the fic now, please?

It had been a very long night; the Martin family had helped the wounded soldiers from both sides that had a battle in their front yard.

Okay, so that pinpoints where in the movie we are. The previous evening, a battle had taken place in the fields that the family’s farmhouse overlooks. Not exactly their “front yard,” but I get where the author is coming from. The main events of the movie begin the next morning as the family has turned their home into a makeshift hospital to treat wounded soldiers from both sides. 

The youngest Susan had fallen asleep during sunrise.

How many Susans do they have in there?!

Her brothers and sisters were surprised she had lasted that long.They were all blood stained and tired.

The second oldest, Thomas, may have been helping his father and their *ahem* employees (can’t have a protagonist be a slave owner even when it’s historically accurate, now can we!) treat the wounded, but not the younger children and especially not mute, six-year-old Susan.

They had been outside all night and only treated about half of the solders.

Those circuits aren’t going to connect themselves.

Judging by the sun it was about eight in the morning.Samuel and William Martin were bringing out more bandages and water when the sounds of horses filled the morning, which had made everyone look up.It was the Dragoons; the most elite military group that fought in the British Army.

Uh, no. The regular army already arrived at the farm and that officer was just beginning to thank Benjamin for the treatment of the British soldiers. Then the Green Dragoons ride up.

Benjamin and his oldest daughter Rebecca walked around to the porch stairs that lead to the house.The leader of the Dragoons was a very handsome man named Colonel William Tavington.

Which the protagonists have no reason to know at this point, but go on.

He wore a red and green jacket and a pair of black breeches.His black hair was in a tight braid, and he wore a black hat.Though the expression looks can be deceiving, was very true in this point in time.

…And that’s an entire thought, is it?

He may have been the finest man you laid eyes on, but he was known as the butcher.He was violent and rude.He killed anyone he saw fit, men, women, children; it made no difference to him.

Well, that’s a bit later in the movie, but yeah. His physical appearance has nothing to do with his reputation as The Butcher. It’s a title, please capitalize it.

The Colonel looked around as he and his fellow Dragoon’s horse came to a halt.


All forty or so of them rode in on a single horse? Yeah, unless it was the Trojan horse, I’m calling the ASPCA.

“Burn the house and barns.Spare the horses.Let it be known if you harbor the enemy you will lose your home.Take our wounded to camp.” Tavington ordered.

Those are mostly his lines, but for some reason they’re out of order.

“Use their wagons to transport our wounded.”

“Can he do that?” Thomas asked him father.

God of Tarzan Grammar think yes. Is war, after all, but not canon statement.

But his father ignored him as one of the red coats brought out of the house rebel dispatches.

Not a Redcoat, a term for a British soldier, just a literal red coat. Apparently they have several of these magical beings.

“Rebel dispatches sir.” The red coat held the paper to where Tavington could snatch them.

And they’re sentient, too!

Then we get a regurgitation of Benjamin’s son, Gabriel, being discovered as a dispatch rider and  Tavington seizing him as a spy to be hanged. 


Benjamin objects, citing rules preventing dispatch riders from being held as spies and we get this very telling canon line.

“Oh we aren’t going to hold him.We are going to hang him.” Tavington replied with a smirk.

Make no mistake, Tavington is happy about this. See? Definitely an evil bad guy.

Then more regurgitation where Benjamin pleads for the life of his son…


…and then Tavington threatens Benjamin’s other children to teach him a lesson.

With a smirk he moved the gun to point it at the Martin children.All the younger children squealed, Rebecca and Abigail got in front of them.Susan was cling onto Rebecca’s skirt.

Oh, there’s the supposed main character. I completely forgot she was here since none of the regurgitation mentions her at all.

Then even more regurgitation; Tavington orders the rebel wounded killed, Thomas wants his father to do something, but Benjamin shushes him, and Gabriel is tied to a wagon to be led off to his execution.


Thomas jumped of the porch and hit the red coats holding on Gabriel, telling his brother to run.

Take that, you creepy floating garments!

Tavington held out his pistol ready to shoot.”Wait.” Benjamin yelled but Tavington took no notice.He was about to pull the trigger when he heard a female voice scream no!

Why would Tavington not care when Benjamin yelled, but suddenly be stopped in his tracks when a girl- Oh, right. Sue.

Tavington turned around to look at Benjamin Martin’s oldest daughter.”And you are?” He asked with curiosity.

A physical embodiment of Suefluence?

“Rebecca Martin.” She answered.Rebecca was 16 and very mature for her age.

She wore a beautiful white dress that hugged her curves, 

Which would not be period appropriate. Y’know I think it’s about time to break out the Bingo Board for this one. Feel free to play along at home.

which was now stained with blood.Her brown hair blew in the wind behind her; her long brown eyelashes flattered her blue eyes.

“Are you willing to trade for him?” Tavington motioned to Thomas.

Uh, you can’t trade something you don’t have. Thomas isn’t in your possession, Tavington. He’s currently trying to free his brother who is in your possession.

And what are you going to trade him for? Does she have a Silly Bandz bracelet you want? Maybe a fidget spinner?

Rebecca didn’t have to think about it.So she would offer him what only she had at this moment.

Is it one of those cute character rubber ducks you see on Jeep windshields? I’m stumped.

“I give you me.As your slave or your mistress if you wish it.”


Tavington gave it a moment’s thought.”We have a deal.”

WHY?!?! There is absolutely no advantage for Tavington to not kill Thomas in exchange for having to tote around some random teenage girl.

Rebecca nodded and climbed down the stairs.Her father stopped her at the bottom.”You don’t have to do this.” He whispered.

But the author really wants to get it on with Tavington- er, I mean, selfless Sue is selfless!

Rebecca looked from Thomas to Tavington.

Thomas has probably finished untying Gabriel and run off into the fields by this point, so she must have good eyes.

“Yes I do.Thomas is young and has his whole life.”

Thomas is fifteen, you’re sixteen. Don’t try to make it sound like you’re an elderly woman who is sacrificing her last few remaining years.

Tavington dismounted his horse.Rebecca walked over to him and nodded. 

Rebecca: Yup, no need to do anything about Gabriel, my other brother you’re about to have hanged. He can go to the gallows with no objection from me!

She mounted his horse and he mounted behind her.He kicked the side of his horse and brought him to a trot.Rebecca looked over her and Tavington’s shoulders to see her family one last time but there was too much dust so she faced forward.

You don’t actually care about them anyway, so it’s fine.

What have I gotten myself into? She thought.

A Suefic that might also be an author-insertion?


*Em is blasted out of her chair by the shouted plea.*

Holy Hand Grenade, was that really necessary?

There are quite a few reviews, but most of them are in reference to a major formatting problem with this fic, which I ran into head on when I tried to prep it for riffing.

The author has a habit of ending a sentence with a period and not leaving a space before starting the next one. The mobile version of Fanfiction does not like this at all. I’m guessing it sees the word-period-word amalgamation as a link and scrubs the entire thing, making the fic almost incoherent in places.

Thankfully the author remembers what a space bar is for about halfway through, but in a 12k word fic that’s long after most readers have already bailed.

Getting back to what can be read in the fic, I’m impressed that the author actually changed a major canon plot point. Thomas’s death is the catalyst for his father Benjamin to participate in the war, so nullifying that could have drastic effects on the canon plot.

…If the author can resist Cassandra Sue Syndrome and follow through with it.

Chapter 2: Camp

Like, the 1960’s Batman tv show kind? Or the flamboyant gay man kind? 



They rode for about an hour and in which time Rebecca had fallen asleep against Tavington.

I know being taken hostage “as your slave or your mistress” puts me right to sleep.

It’s too bad that Bingo Board doesn’t have Narcoleptic Scene Transition.

He shook her awake.”What?” she snapped.

“We are at the camp.” He answered with a venomous voice.

No, no fangs! The last thing we need is for this to become a Twilight crossover.

Rebecca looked around the camp.All she saw were white tents.

Tents are the defining characteristic of a “camp.”

They dismounted the horse and Tavington turned to Rebecca.”I am afraid that you and I will share a tent.One because we have no more tents and two you might try and run away.”

Darn, so close to Only One Bed.

“Oh great.I get to sleep in the same tent with a fucking murdering Gorilla.” Rebecca commented bitterly. 

Anachronistic swearing and Unnecessarily Capitalized “gorilla.” If either of those are on your Bingo Board, mark’em up!

Tavington slapped her across the face.

“You little bitch.Watch your tongue and don’t speak of me in such ways.”

It was pretty stupid to badmouth the guy who just casually ordered wounded soldiers to be murdered to his face. 

Tavington doesn’t swear like that, either. In fact, the only reason the movie itself is rated R is because they showed quite graphically how horrifically people could be killed and injured on an 18th century battlefield. There’s no swearing, no nudity, and not even implied sex.

Tavington called for a private.”Show her to my tent.Get her bathing water and a new dress.”

Is she going to bathe in the bucket or does Tavington somehow have My Inner Life’s mobile home “wagon” with a tub and walk-in closet full of designer clothes?

“Yes sir.Right this way.” The private motioned to the east.

She followed him down to what seemed like countless white tents he stopped and held the flap open for her.She entered the tent; she wouldn’t call it big but it was spacious.

Well, what the fuck is it, a TARDIS?

There was a large cot to the left, a desk to the right, and a wardrobe to the right of the bed.There was a bathing tub in the corner.

Who the hell brings a tub with them on a military campaign?!

“Let me bring you warm water.”Rebecca nodded and he left to fetch the water.

Okay, you’re completely alone now. It’d be really easy to just walk out of the tent and head home or literally anywhere else to hide out.

…Y’know since you don’t want to be with the *Em checks the fic and then clears her throat.* “fucking murdering gorilla.” 


After a bath 

Oh, for fuck’s sake!

This entire fic is for fuck’s sake, isn’t it. Goddamnit!

she changed into a powder blue dress.It was a little big but it didn’t matter. Tavington came back in a few hours in a huff.

“I will have another cot brought in for you.” He was mad and his voice reflected this.

He’s mad at the author for trying to force the Only One Bed on him.

“What is up your ass?” Rebecca asked innocently. Which for her comment she received a smack in the face.

I’m not saying it’s justified, but I can definitely understand why Tavington had the urge to smack her.

“Language.” He spat.

Tavington: Stick to the one used in this time period!

“Twenty of the king’s soldiers were killed by one man.”

Aaaand Cassandra Sue Syndrome it is!

Canonically, after Thomas is killed, Benjamin goes on a bit of a rampage and attacks the small group escorting his son Gabriel to be hanged as a spy. He’s not technically alone, but the British survivor doesn’t know that and reports that they were ambushed by a single man who somehow seemed to be all around them at once, “like a ghost.”

Why on earth Tavington would tell this to his captive/slave/mistress who obviously “hates” him is beyond me. He’s not canonically this stupid.

Rebecca smiled inside.She knew it must have been her father, meaning her brother was safe. 

BeckySue only knows this because the author knows the movie plot. Tavington never said where the soldiers were or that they had anything to do with her captured brother.

Rebecca’s cot was brought in and she lied down and fell asleep instantly.

Really starting to regret not having Narcoleptic Scene Transitions on the Bingo Board.

In the middle of the night Rebecca was awoken by a voice.It was Tavington, he talked in his sleep!He was talking about his battle plans for the next few battles.

How… convenient? Wait, how does he know where multiple battles are going to take place ahead of time?

Rebecca sat and listened to him talk.Oh was he going to flip.Rebecca laughed silently.

Is she going to brag about overhearing his plans? BeckySue, that’s not how you reconnaissance.

The next morning the Dragoons were heading out.Rebecca wasn’t looking forward to having to sit with Tavington all day. 

Mostly because, if the camp is moving, she’d be with the supply wagons. Why would he make himself useless during a raid or scouting mission by having a teenager with him?

But to her relief she was riding with Captain Wilkins.

Why is she riding with anyone?!

Captain James Wilkins is a minor antagonist. He’s an American loyalist who joins the British army and ends up serving under Tavington in the Green Dragoons. Since he’s a local, he gives them information about the area and the people who live there.

She had known James Wilkins almost all her life.He had lived in the same city as her aunt and saw him almost every time she had gone to see her aunt. At one point there were talks of marriage between them.

Aunt Charlotte owns a plantation in the countryside as well as a house in Charles Town, the fourth largest city in the American colonies at the time. I don’t know everyone in my neighborhood, let alone my city, so unless they’re next door neighbors or something this seems like a stretch. There’s no indication in the movie that Wilkins and the Martin family were more than acquaintances, so I severely doubt Benjamin would have been marrying off his then-younger-than-sixteen-year-old daughter to a guy at least ten years older, if not more. (Remember, authors, your OCs would have been younger in the past!) Especially since there’s also no indication that arranged marriage is the norm in this society.

They rode for six hours.Rebecca was happy to be able to walk around.

When did she learn trick riding? Wouldn’t that be difficult with someone else on the horse with you?

During her walk around the creek she saw Tavington.

What in the Discworld is going on with this horse?!

He took out a mirror and a straight razor.

This suddenly seems like a very dangerous stunt to be doing on horseback.

Rebecca crouched low behind a bush but she could still see him.When he was finished he began undressing.

Suddenly I don’t want to know what he’s going to do with that straight razor.

After he was naked he went into the creek and started to bath.Rebecca found herself blush and she turned around so she couldn’t see him.

So you watched him undress, and only after he was completely nude and splashing around in a creek did you decide to give him a little privacy? 

“Are you going to sit there or are you going to join me?” She heard his voice say.

“Um…I’ll take mine later.I won’t want to be spoiled by an ass such as yourself.” She retorted andshe turned and went back to walking around aimless.

Author, what is with this weird pretense of Rebecca hating Tavington only to have her do absolutely nothing to try and get away from him? She could easily have left several times already but instead she turns into a peeping tom?

Gabriel’s ride to Pembroke was haunted by memories of his dear sister Rebecca.

*Em’s desk rotates sixty-three degrees to the left.*

And I guess we’re with Gabriel now… somewhere that’s not Pembroke? Although, given what we’ve seen of her so far, I don’t blame him for describing his memories of the Sue as being “haunting.”

He never liked to play favorites but Rebecca was definitely his favorite sister.

*DCA operatives rush into their favorite riffing office, slowly entering the office they like the least. The DCB agents meander quickly to Em’s favorite desk drawer, emptying it of her favorite snacks by refilling the least favorite ones. The lone operatives quickly leave as slowly as possible through their favorite exit which is not their favorite.*

Those guy are definitely not my favorite.

He couldn’t get a particular memory from his mind.

Poor guy has PTSD just from having a Sue for a sister.

Gabriel and Rebecca were climbing a tree, laughing, and cracking jokes.They were about mid way up the tree something caught Gabriel’s eyes.It was a big black spider.He knew his sister hated spiders more that million and one King Georges.

Because children of unknown ages always keep up to date on the socio-political climate of their society.

“Hey sis.Catch.”He threw the spider at her and she caught it and screamed.Rebecca fell from the tree and hit the ground breaking her leg in three places.Father was pissed off.

Uh, yeah! If it’s obvious that it’s broken in three places in an age before x-ray machines, that’s a really serious injury. She could easily be disabled for life if it doesn’t heal properly, or she could get an infection that could kill her.

That story would always bring a smile to his face no matter how upset he was.

Holy crap, dude. Your fondest memory is seriously injuring your sister? I don’t care how awful she is, that’s sick.



…Or, at least she didn’t fix the problems they keep complaining about.

Chapter 3: Horses

Oh, are we heading back to the Horse Discworld?



The Dragoons rode into Fort Carolina at sun down.They dismounted and a man came walking toward them.He wore a general’s uniform.”Tavington.General Cornwallis wants to see you.Now.”He said.

Why are you wearing the General’s uniform, random guy? That’s probably some kind of military rule offense.

“Consider me informed O’Hara.” Tavington said coolly.

Does that make this random guy Uninformed O’Hara?

“I can put your horse away.” Rebecca offered.

And now she’s helping?

“Who is she?” O’Hara asked.

I guess he really is Uninformed O’Hara.

“None of your business.” Tavington handed her the horse’s reins.”I thank you Miss. Martin.”

“Please call me Rebecca.” She took the reins.

Why is she so friendly with Tavington all of a sudden. The last time we saw her she cussed him out.

Tavington gave his usual smirk, then followed O’Hara inside.Captain Wilkins came up beside Rebecca.

“I wouldn’t want to be in Cornwallis’s office at the same time as Tavington and O’Hara.Fireworks.” Wilkins said.

Why would General Cornwallis (yes, that General Cornwallis) be setting off pyrotechnics in his office? That doesn’t sound safe at all.

Rebecca just nodded and led Tavington’s horse into the stables.


Wow. I’m not sure why someone thinks taking a horse into the stables is a sick burn, but okay.

Benjamin and Gabriel were sitting at the old Spanish Mission talking about Thomas.”Thomas was lucky.” Gabriel said.”And now Rebecca has to suffer because of his lust for battle.”

Lust for battle?! The kid was trying to keep his brother from being sent to the gallows!

“She didn’t have to do it.” His father pointed out.

Benjamin: In fact, I could have stopped her easily, but I saw an opportunity to be rid of her that I just couldn’t pass up.

“If she didn’t Thomas would be dead.” 

Is a Thomas like the Dougie?

Gabriel sighed.”I wish she was here.We could have used her.

As a meat shield, preferably.

She has brains and an excellent shot.”

And we have had evidence of neither of those things so far.


Calm down, guys, it wasn’t that good a line.

Rebecca was brushing Tavington’s horse and humming a song.

No songs!

Tavington came in but when he saw her he leaned up against the door to the barn.He couldn’t believe that his horse actually let her tend to him.

And of course the Sue has magical animal powers.

Tavington’s horse hated anyone but him.Rebecca put him back in the stall and grabbed him a carrot.”You like that don’t you?” she whispered.

No. No, I do not.

“He does.” Tavington answered.She jumped and he smirked.”I am surprised.He usually doesn’t like anyone but me.”

The horse can tell BeckySue is even more of a jackass than Tavington.

“I can’t see why.” Rebecca said cooly.Tavington just smirked and walked over to her.

“You wouldn’t that would take a brain.”

It took me entirely too long to figure out what that “sentence” meant.

“Ha Ha Ha very funny.” Rebecca said.

Not really. Implying you’re an idiot may be accurate, but it’s not humorous.

Tavington moved his hand over hers.Rebecca moved to face Tavington and he put his arms around her.

“You must be special if my horse likes you.” he whispered in a low and loving voice.

Sueper Speshul, you could say.

“You really think so?” she asked.

Oh, we know so.

“Yes.Do you want me?”Tavington stroked her shoulder.

What the fuck? I know Nice Guys feel entitled after giving a compliment, but this is ridiculous.

“Yes.I want you.” Rebecca paused.”I want you to leave me fuck alone.” Rebecca left the barn after smacking his hand away.

This is so confusing.

Tavington smirked before following.She will be mine he thought.

She already is “your slave or your mistress,” remember? Although, why would you want her?

“Come.I will show you your room.” he pulled her toward the main house.

Rebecca’s room was huge.

But was it spacious?

There was a double poster bed, a desk, a wardrobe, a dresser, a chair, couch, and love seat.

Why is there a living room in her bedroom?

There was a bathroom to the left.

Wow, this “main house” is at least eighty years ahead of its time since indoor plumbing wasn’t a thing in the US until at least the 1850s.

“You will find dresses in the wardrobe.

Naturally they will fit her perfectly despite all garments in those times being tailored to their specific owner.

My room is across the hall if you need anything contact Captain Bordon, Captain Wilkin, or myself.”

“I will.” Rebecca said.

What, on her phone? 

Tavington nodded and left.Rebecca jumped on her bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

And She Fell Asleep: 3

And yet again there’s an opportunity for BeckySue to easily escape and she just… doesn’t.


Guys, it’s not that good a line!

William Tavington and his captains Bordon and Wilkins were in Tavington’s office.”I called you here because of Rebecca has allowed her to stay, but we must keep her in line.

I’m guessing this was supposed to say that Cornwallis has allowed her to stay, but it really is Rebecca who’s allowing Rebecca to stay. She could have walked away so many times by now.

I need you to look after her.If there are any problems I need you to tell to me.Not Cornwallis.Not O’Hara.Me.”

Absolutely never inform O’Hara.

What if BeckySue is the problem, though?

“Yes sir.” They said in unison.

Well, Bordon had maybe two lines in the whole movie, so making him part of a character blob with Wilkins is actually a step up for him.

“Good you are dismissed.” Tavington waved them out of the room and got to work on paperwork.

Ugh, I should probably get to that myself.



That’s all for today, folks. Like Tavington, I’ve got my own vague, poorly described paperwork to get to. We’ll have to continue this next week.

Until then, stay loony!

Author: Em Kay

Mom, Crafter, Lover of Snark

58 thoughts on “0345: War is Anything but Patriotic – Chapters 1-3”

  1. If you choose to read this fic on your own, make sure you are using the desktop version of the site, and not the mobile version. Due to formatting issues within the fic, the mobile version is not coherent.

    Uh, I don’t really see any differences, then.


  2. What festive fic we can fi-

    Ooh! I have a Thomas the Tank Engine fic where the British tank engines fight the Americans by pulling ammo around and not ever using it, but that’s going up on the Fourth itself.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. The Colonel looked around as he and his fellow Dragoon’s horse came to a halt.


    All forty or so of them rode in on a single horse? Yeah, unless it was the Trojan horse, I’m calling the ASPCA.

    No, no, there’s only one other Dragoon. Tavington is just so great that he leads a single other guy.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Not a Redcoat, a term for a British soldier, just a literal red coat. Apparently they have several of these magical beings.

    Didn’t one of Minh’s Stus turn into a literal green shirt for a while?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I know being taken hostage “as your slave or your mistress” puts me right to sleep.


    …I am definitely not planning any kind of takeover. Nothing of the sort. Definitely not.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Anachronistic swearing and Unnecessarily Capitalized “gorilla.” If either of those are on your Bingo Board, mark’em up!

    It… might not be so anachronistic. The f-word has actually been around since the 1400s, but it’s been considered very vulgar since the 1700s. Now, I don’t know if it would make as much sense for Rebecca to say it, but I would easily buy a random soldier saying it.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Is she going to bathe in the bucket or does Tavington somehow have My Inner Life’s mobile home “wagon” with a tub and walk-in closet full of designer clothes?

    ‘Nam flashbacks.

    Liked by 1 person

          1. Oh, gee, I’m so surprised that a movie wasn’t accurate about something.

            To be fair, there is a scene that comes up later on that could explain why there is no modern Pembroke, South Carolina.

            Liked by 1 person

  8. Topic: The Patriot

    Also known as “American Braveheart, now with maybe a half a pinch of extra historical accuracy.”

    … But also, there are badfics of The Pa– wait, what am I saying, of course there are.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. “I give you me.As your slave or your mistress if you wish it.”

    That’s… really, really not how anything works. And also a pretty weird role for your Sue, while I’m on the subject.

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  10. Rebecca looked around the camp.All she saw were white tents.

    No… people? Animals? Carts? Cannons? Ground, sky, trees, rocks? Sentient flying outerwear?

    Clever of the British to make camp in some kind of Tent Dimension.

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  11. So you watched him undress, and only after he was completely nude and splashing around in a creek did you decide to give him a little privacy?

    Oh, hey, Durrgaul, I didn’t see you there. Which is kind of the operative issue here.

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  12. Gabriel and Rebecca were climbing a tree, laughing, and cracking jokes.They were about mid way up the tree something caught Gabriel’s eyes.It was a big black spider.He knew his sister hated spiders more that million and one King Georges. “Hey sis.Catch.”He threw the spider at her and she caught it and screamed.

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  13. Wow. I’m not sure why someone thinks taking a horse into the stables is a sick burn, but okay.

    Maybe the stables were harboring some rebel horses and they had to burn them?

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