0059: Alien: Regurgitation – Chapters 10-13

Title: Alien: Not Alone
Author: eap404
Topic: Alien
Media: Film
Genre: Horror/Romance
URL: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13460502/1/
Critiqued By Crazy Minh

Hello, Lunatics, and welcome to the last installment of Alien: Regurgitation, the supposed “non-canon OC changes everything with his presence” fic that has so far stuck to the plot of the original film so closely that- if this was an article of clothing- you’d be able to see the pores on the wearer’s skin.

Today we’re covering the last four chapters of this fic. Two of them are author’s notes- which means they should at least be quick to get through- and I suspect I’ll be snipping a lot of the remaining regurgitation. When we left off, Ash had just been discovered to be a robot, and Lambert had been dunked on for pretty much the whole of chapter nine. Anyway, let’s get this shit done with for good.

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