0340: The Ides of March – Chapter 2, Part 2

Title: The Ides of March

Author: eventidespirit 

Topic: Gundam Wing, Sailor Moon, LOTR

Media: Anime

Genre: Humor, Adventure

URL: Chapter 2 

Critiqued by: Em Kay

Greetings and salutations, Wardens and lunatics. I’m Em Kay, your snarker for the day, and with me is the very reluctant Harri.

Harri: Just get on with it. I’ve put this off long enough already.

Alright, alright. Today we’re finishing up this Sailor Moon x LOTR x supposedly Gundam Wing crossover, although that part hasn’t shown itself yet. This is the last half of the last chapter, though, so at least in theory it should appear in here somewhere.

Last time, we were treated to another long, rambling, supposedly Lord of the Rings flavored “parody” in the not-fic portion of the fic before the author finally got around to the actual fic. With Amy as the new protagonist, we were subjected to an equally boring but somehow even dumber scene of Ms. Haruna, the newly promoted principal of their school, being vain, obsessed with hot pink, and pining over Jadeite, or as she knows him, Mr. Jed. Amy eventually got fed up with Ms. Haruna’s new characterization and bailed, heading to the bathroom.

Continue reading “0340: The Ides of March – Chapter 2, Part 2”

0326: The Ides of March – Chapter 1, Part 1

Title: The Ides of March

Author: eventidespirit 

Topic: Gundam Wing, Sailor Moon, LOTR?

Media: Anime

Genre: Humor, Adventure

URL: The Ides of March 

Critiqued by: Em Kay

Greetings and salutations, Wardens and lunatics. Today I’ve got not one, but two new canons for the Asylum; Sailor Moon and Gundam Wing.

Since there’s no way around the infodumping and I am fairly familiar with Sailor Moon, we’ll start there.

Sailor Moon is the English dub of the Japanese anime Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon, and aired in the US in the mid 1990s. I specify this because there are some plot differences between the original Japanese version and the English dub thanks to American children’s television regulations at the time and this fic seems to be pulling specifically from that version.

Continue reading “0326: The Ides of March – Chapter 1, Part 1”

0319: KoP Holiday Disaster

Title: KoP Holiday Special
Author: Prince of the Forgotten
Media: Anime and Manga
Topic: Allegedly Naruto
Genre: “Parody” and “Humor”
Critiqued by: Linstar; MisterShoebox; Yuki, la poétesse de neige; Delta XIII

Warning for grossout sexual content.

*A young man wearing absurdly large sunglasses stumbles awkwardly in.*

Ls: Oww! Why did I think these were a good–aagh! My hair. Why are these sticky?

*Ls wrests the glasses off his face.*

Ls: Whew. Hopefully the orderlies can make sure everyone gets here on time. Anyway, hello everyone, and welcome back to Klikky hell. Or, well, just welcome, if you’re unfamiliar. To wit, Klikky is the author of quite a few awful badfics, most of which either feature a Stuified version of Naruto, or his very own OC Gary Stu, Kiactu Lorenzo Maheem, who we refer to as either “Kiacstu” or “Lorenzo”. Lorenzo is ancient, hilariously OP, and loves preying on young girls. He’s also a tryhard weeaboo douchebag. Lorenzo’s “KoPs” or “Kids of Prophecy” consists of a series of random young men he has somehow convinced to join his mega-multiversal human trafficking ring (or so we theorize, at least.) Among these are the aforementioned Naruto, Sora from Kingdom Hearts, Ichigo from Bleach, and Percy Jackson.

Ls: …yes, I just infodumped Kiacstu. I want to die now.


Shoe is there. Shoe is not happy. Shoe currently has his hands wrapped around Linstar’s neck…or is trying to do so. “C’MERE YOU – MAKING ME READ MORE KIACTU – SO ANGRY!” But alas, he is being restrained by nice people in white coats. 

Ls: Hey, calm down. I have a solo riff scheduled where it’s just me taking a chapter and a whole Klikky fic (with a few asides from Yuki). At least this way the pain is distributed.

Shoe: *Is calmed down with bacon.*

Yuki, who has read ahead: So, uh, this story contains a lot of disgusting content, so you all might need quite a bit of this *hauls a barrel of brain bleach on the table* 

Ls: Hey, you were the one who wanted to riff it! That said, I’m sure I’ll snip and/or add a content warning at the top for whatever comes.

Continue reading “0319: KoP Holiday Disaster”

0247: Descendants Through Twisted Wonderland (Oneshot) – Ls and Yuki Coriff

Title: Descendants Through Twisted Wonderland

Author: TayaBacha

Topic: Descendants, Twisted Wonderland

Media: Video Game, Film

Genre: N/A, this is Wattpad

Critiqued by: Linstar; Yuki, the Snow Poet

Ls: Hello, I’m Linstar, and this is the Asylum. With me is our resident semi-retired Japanophile, Yuki!

Yuki: Man, I got lotsa projects and stuff on my hands, which is why I retired, but when you see juicy nonsense like this, how can you resist?

Ls: The fic we’re covering today is a crossover between Twisted Wonderland and Descendants. We’ve both covered these canons before, so… let’s just get into it!

Continue reading “0247: Descendants Through Twisted Wonderland (Oneshot) – Ls and Yuki Coriff”
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