0347: Wild At Heart (Zuko): Chapters 72-78 – FINALE!

Wild At Heart (Zuko) 

Title: Wild At Heart (Zuko) 

Author: Lone-wolf-fanfics

Topic: Avatar: The Last Airbender

Genre: Hurt/Comfort

Critiqued by: Linstar

He-llo, I’m Linstar and this is the last part of Wild At Heart. I finally have realized that the fic capitalizes the “At”, which would make my WaH initialization wrong. However, that’s grammatically incorrect, so I’m keeping my initialization. Sue me.

Last time, the Sue continued her regurgitation of The Puppeteer, and it was bland and boring. 

Our counters:

Sunny Scene Change: 6

Be Original!: 58

Get… to… the… point!: 252

Sentenced. To. Death: 409

On to the fic!    

Chapter Seventy-Two               

Hama was apprehended by the same prisoners that she kept in chains but to get there, Katara was forced to do things she didn’t want to. 

Oh, so we’re just telling the plot regurgitation instead of showing it now. Blegh.

Forced to use a bending technique that she had never considered before. 

That doesn’t sound so bad without context.

Sentenced. To. Death: 410

Continue reading “0347: Wild At Heart (Zuko): Chapters 72-78 – FINALE!”

0342: Wild At Heart Chapters 65-71

Wild At Heart (Zuko) 

Title: Wild At Heart (Zuko) 

Author: Lone-wolf-fanfics

Topic: Avatar: The Last Airbender

Genre: Hurt/Comfort (emphasis on hurt)

Critiqued by: Linstar

Hello all. I’m Linstar, and I’ve calmed down. I’m alone this week, and we’ve only got two more to go, so… thanks for small mercies. Anyway, last time Death Kermit and Zuko ended the naturebender village arc abruptly so they could go off and regurgitate some more. The counters and bingo board:

Sunrise Scene Change: 4

Be Original!: 47

Get… to… the… point!: 247

Sentenced. To. Death: 378

Chapter Sixty-Five                           

The sun is setting 

Yeah, I’m counting it.

Sunrise Scene Change: 5

Continue reading “0342: Wild At Heart Chapters 65-71”

0338: Wild At Heart (Zuko) Chapters 57-64

Wild At Heart (Zuko) 

Title: Wild At Heart (Zuko) 

Author: Lone-wolf-fanfics

Topic: Avatar: The Last Airbender

Genre: Hurt/Comfort (emphasis on hurt)

Critiqued by: Linstar, Mina Overpower

Hey everybody, and welcome back to Wild at Heart. I’m Linstar, and with me is Mina Overpower.

Mina: You told me there were a bunch of other characters named Mina on this site in your badfics. I’m allowed to beat them up, right?

Erm… no?

*Mina pouts.*

Anyway, last time we finished regurgitating the Season Two finale, and Death Kermit and Zuko wandered around in the woods before bumping into a village full of treehugger Sues. 

Mina: Don’t worry, Carlisle told me all about this fic!

Lucky you. Anyway, I’m hoping the author can pull off an original ATLA episode today. Our counters and bingo board are thusly:

Be Original!: 42

Get… to… the… point!: 197

Sentenced. To. Death: 361

Continue reading “0338: Wild At Heart (Zuko) Chapters 57-64”

0333: Wild at Heart (Zuko): Chapters 48-56

Wild At Heart (Zuko) 

Title: Wild At Heart (Zuko) 

Author: Lone-wolf-fanfics

Topic: Avatar: The Last Airbender

Genre: Hurt/Comfort (emphasis on hurt)

Critiqued by: Linstar 

Play Linstar’s Badfic Bingo Online | BingoBaker

Hi everyone, and welcome back to Wild at Heart. I’m Linstar, and we’re like 70% done with this mess!

…unless there’s a version on Ff.net with an extra 30 chapters. I really hope that’s not the case.

In any event, out counters and bingo board stand thusly:

Be Original!: 33

Get… to… the… point!: 161

Sentenced. To. Death: 330

Last time, Death Kermit wandered around, stole some canon scenes, and inevitably reunited with Zuko. Now, we’re making our way through this fic’s take on the Season Two finale, Crossroads of Destiny.

Continue reading “0333: Wild at Heart (Zuko): Chapters 48-56”

0328: Wild At Heart Chapters 41-47

Wild At Heart (Zuko) 

Title: Wild At Heart (Zuko) 

Author: Lone-wolf-fanfics

Topic: Avatar: The Last Airbender

Genre: Hurt/Comfort (emphasis on hurt)

Critiqued by: Linstar 

Hi, hello, greetings, ciao, salut, and welcome back to the Asylum! Don’t mind the DRD, and do please take care to not mind them, because we’re once again covering Wild at Heart! Last time, Death Kermit angsted about her racebending and ran away, only to regurgitate her way into more Cute Animal Friends. The counters are thusly, and the bingo board still stands:

Sentenced. To. Death: 270

Be Original!: 26

Get… to… the… point!: 144

Chapter Forty-One                                             

A/N – I know that this isn’t the way the show and the timeline play out, 

This is fanfiction! Please, for the love of Those Gods, don’t assume you are obligated to follow the events of canon to a T. All I ask is for well-written original content.

but I like the idea of Kali getting more involved with Appa because of her abilities. 

The chances of this being well-written original content are low.

Plus it is a good way to show how far she’s coming with who she is and stuff in the time that she’s been away from Zuko and Iroh.

Ah, so we’re attempting character development. We’ll see how well this goes.

Continue reading “0328: Wild At Heart Chapters 41-47”

0323: Wild at Heart Chapters 35-40

Wild At Heart (Zuko) 

Title: Wild At Heart (Zuko) 

Author: Lone-wolf-fanfics

Topic: Avatar: The Last Airbender

Genre: Hurt/Comfort (emphasis on hurt)

Critiqued by: Linstar and Cliff the Tailor

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Asylum! I’m Linstar, and today we’re tackling–

An older man, wearing brightly colored, presumably fashionable clothes: A travesty against all good fashion sense.

Yes, that, Cliff. But more specifically, a badfic known as Wild At Heart, which–

Cliff: *sniffs* How should I know that?

You literally wouldn’t let me finish my sentence. If you’ll just let me explain–

Cliff: Why should I?


Cliff: Fine. As you like it.

Jeesh. Anyway, the counters and bingo board are thusly:

Get… to… the… point!: 122

Sentenced. To. Death: 214

Be Original!: 24

Oh, and we found a picture of Death Kermit:

And one more thing: the fic just updated. 


*Cliff offers Ls a Pillow of Screams.*

Continue reading “0323: Wild at Heart Chapters 35-40”

0319: KoP Holiday Disaster

Title: KoP Holiday Special
Author: Prince of the Forgotten
Media: Anime and Manga
Topic: Allegedly Naruto
Genre: “Parody” and “Humor”
Critiqued by: Linstar; MisterShoebox; Yuki, la poétesse de neige; Delta XIII

Warning for grossout sexual content.

*A young man wearing absurdly large sunglasses stumbles awkwardly in.*

Ls: Oww! Why did I think these were a good–aagh! My hair. Why are these sticky?

*Ls wrests the glasses off his face.*

Ls: Whew. Hopefully the orderlies can make sure everyone gets here on time. Anyway, hello everyone, and welcome back to Klikky hell. Or, well, just welcome, if you’re unfamiliar. To wit, Klikky is the author of quite a few awful badfics, most of which either feature a Stuified version of Naruto, or his very own OC Gary Stu, Kiactu Lorenzo Maheem, who we refer to as either “Kiacstu” or “Lorenzo”. Lorenzo is ancient, hilariously OP, and loves preying on young girls. He’s also a tryhard weeaboo douchebag. Lorenzo’s “KoPs” or “Kids of Prophecy” consists of a series of random young men he has somehow convinced to join his mega-multiversal human trafficking ring (or so we theorize, at least.) Among these are the aforementioned Naruto, Sora from Kingdom Hearts, Ichigo from Bleach, and Percy Jackson.

Ls: …yes, I just infodumped Kiacstu. I want to die now.


Shoe is there. Shoe is not happy. Shoe currently has his hands wrapped around Linstar’s neck…or is trying to do so. “C’MERE YOU – MAKING ME READ MORE KIACTU – SO ANGRY!” But alas, he is being restrained by nice people in white coats. 

Ls: Hey, calm down. I have a solo riff scheduled where it’s just me taking a chapter and a whole Klikky fic (with a few asides from Yuki). At least this way the pain is distributed.

Shoe: *Is calmed down with bacon.*

Yuki, who has read ahead: So, uh, this story contains a lot of disgusting content, so you all might need quite a bit of this *hauls a barrel of brain bleach on the table* 

Ls: Hey, you were the one who wanted to riff it! That said, I’m sure I’ll snip and/or add a content warning at the top for whatever comes.

Continue reading “0319: KoP Holiday Disaster”

0318: Klikky Crap Power Hour!

Title: Experimenting with the PowerPuff Girls 

Author: Prince of the Forgotten

Medium: Cartoons

Topic: PowerPuff Girls

Genre: N/A

Critiqued by: Linstar

Hello everybody, and welcome back to the Asylum. I’m Linstar, and today I’m back with a solo riff of two Klikky fics! …well, a fic and a chapter, at least, though I’m using the word “chapter” quite loosely.

In any case, this chapter is the new fifth chapter of EWPPG, which, up until quite recently, was up instead of its previous fifth and sixth ones. Now why would Klikky do such a thing? Why would he replace two chapters of dull rambling with a different chapter of dull rambling? Let’s find out!

Chapter 5: Quick Update

Hey, guys. I know that it’s been a while, and even with AI, 

Oh, believe me, we’ll address that in due time.

it’s been kind of a slog to continue writing. 

Because everything you write is a slog?

I want to do so, and I keep coming back to it. 

Do you have to, though?

Continue reading “0318: Klikky Crap Power Hour!”

0317: My Inner Life, Prologue and Chapter One

Title: My Inner Life
Author: Link’s Queen
Media: Video game
Topic: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Genre: Nonsense
Critiqued by: BatJamags; Linstar, MisterShoebox; Delta XIII; Yuki, the poet, Ben the Preppy Poser; Thunder

Bats: Hello, wardens and lunatics! Last time, author’s note. This time… content.

Bats: My kidnapping victims co-riffers seem to have escaped stepped out, so I’m going to go find them.

*Bats picks up an oversized vacuum cleaner and marches out of the room. After a few minutes, he returns, opens it up, and dumps out a pile of very disgruntled riffers*

Delta, covered in filth: Ugh, I’m gonna need multiple showers for this.

Ls: *Achoo!* Stupid dust bunnies. They seem to think that my hair is an acceptable meal.

Thunder: Dirt. My greatest enemy. Thanks for inflicting more suffering onto us, by the way. 

*Yuki coughs profusely again*

Benji: I’m here to serve my prison sentence. 

Bats: If we’re all settled in, then lo, a prologue begins.

*And then Bats wound up being busy the entire week and contributed almost nothing to the riff, whoops*

Continue reading “0317: My Inner Life, Prologue and Chapter One”

0314: Wild At Heart (Shut Up!) Chapters Thirty, Thirty-One, Thirty-Two, Thirty-Three, and Thirty-Four (Wattpad numbering)

Wild At Heart (Zuko) 

Title: Wild At Heart (Zuko) 

Author: Lone-wolf-fanfics

Topic: Avatar: The Last Airbender

Genre: Hurt/Comfort (emphasis on hurt)

Critiqued by Linstar.

*A trapdoor opens in the center of the riffing chamber, and Ls’ head peeks through, scanning for anyone else.*

Okay, I think the orderlies have been distracted enough by that fight I started in the Cafeteria for me to be able to have a single riff on my terms, in my chamber, without Em’s “lock them all up together so I can have some peace and quiet” nonsense, or Bats trying to kidnap me, for that matter. It’s too bad Nurse Jimson and Brian had to have a falling out like they did, but hey, that’s life. 

Anyway, hello everyone, and welcome back to the Asylum and Wild at Heart; the fanfic where our favorite knockoff Poison Ivy Sue just got a useless Digimon (which might be related to the fic’s name) to accompany her in regurgitating the second season of ATLA. Our bingo board and counters are thusly:

Be Original!: 21

Sentenced. To. Death: 173 

Get… to… the… point!: 90



Continue reading “0314: Wild At Heart (Shut Up!) Chapters Thirty, Thirty-One, Thirty-Two, Thirty-Three, and Thirty-Four (Wattpad numbering)”
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