0308: Role the Dice: Asteriskos Sapphirus – “Session” 3, Part 2

Title: Role the Dice: Asteriskos Sapphirus
Author: Travezty
Media: Tabletop RPG
Topic: Dungeons & Dragons
Genre: Adventure / Romance
URL: Chapter 4
Critiqued by BatJamags, Kane, and Silabar the Librarian

Hello once again, wardens and lunatics! Last time, a convenient old guy showed up and started dumping a bunch of overpowered magic items on the protagonists for no apparent reason, other than I guess to bribe them to go slay a dragon that he is very obviously powerful enough to kill himself. We resume this nonsense in progress.

Two days later, Drugo is hitched up to the Carriage, but thanks to the old man’s magic, it has similar properties to that of a Cast-Off Armor,

A low-level magic item. Usually armor takes 1-5 minutes to remove depending on whether it’s light, medium, or heavy, while cast-off armor can be removed essentially instantaneously. I don’t even know if that’s actually useful in-game, because the only time it makes a difference is combat and I can’t think of a reason you’d want to take your armor off in combat.

and so with but a word, Drugo can hitch and unhitch himself from the Carriage with no trouble.

Kane: Yet another unfathomably petty convenience to be heaped on our protagonists by this inexplicable wandering wizard who simultaneously powerful enough to devise entirely new magical items at will in a matter of days but also incapable of confronting an explicitly weak dragon.

Silabar: And who, like so many ostensibly important characters, remains unnamed.

Finding this to his liking, Drugo uses the magic to hitch himself up and test his abilities with six willing volunteers.

Making a few pulls to adjust to the weight, and to gauge his strength… Drugo manages to get the carriage moving, and despite lacking the speed of a horse, he actually manages to pull it at a decent speed, and… Actually manages to make the turns both at speed and with precision, if just barely.

Kane: So, you spent two hundred gold pieces on a diverting inefficiency.

Silabar: And wasted two days to confirm that this is not useful while Romania is being burned by a dragon!

“Amazing!” The old man exclaims, that was quite impressive for a first go at it! Actually if you manage to utilize your wings when you need to make jumps, you may be able to gain more height or soften a landing!”

(A/N: In game terms, if he utilizes his wings to for jumps or landings with the Carriage, he can give the carriage the benefits of his long or high jump, and give the carriage resistance to fall damage for falls of 30ft or lower.)

Silabar: That is not how carriages or dragons work! The drag will interfere with his aerodynamics, and the harness is not rigid, meaning that while momentum may keep the carriage oriented properly for “long jumps,” significant vertical motion will cause it to flop and likely amplify the damage of a long fall.

“Interesting!” Drugo exclaims, smiling. “By the way old man, what’s your name?”

After he’s been showering goodies on you for two days straight.

“Oh how rude of me! My name is Saephyros!” The man says, to which Drugo thinks on that name and his eyes widen. “Oh you know me?”

Puff the Magic Dragon: No, it’s just a stupid name.

… Everybody, get down! Contrivance incoming!

Continue reading “0308: Role the Dice: Asteriskos Sapphirus – “Session” 3, Part 2″

0307: Sue in Spira: Sue-na’s Sueing – Chapters 21-24

Title: Rose in Spira: Yuna’s Journey

Author: StarlightMoon88

Topic: Final Fantasy X

Media: Video Game

Genre: Fantasy, Adventure

URL: Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24

Critiqued by: Em Kay, Jora

*Muffled yells and metallic clangs echo down the hallway before the door to Em’s office suddenly bursts open. Em, bound in a golden straitjacket, is forcibly hauled into the office by a very large man in full plate.*

No! You can’t make me!

Jora: You have an obligation which you must fulfill.

But I don’t wanna!

*Jora dumps Em into her chair and retrieves the laptop from the desk drawer.*

Jora: Perhaps you should have considered this more carefully before committing to this enterprise, but the time for that is long past.

*Em glares at Jora. Jora crosses his arms and calmly waits.*

Fiiiiine. But at least let me out of this thing first. This is my last golden straitjacket until the next awards ceremony.

Continue reading “0307: Sue in Spira: Sue-na’s Sueing – Chapters 21-24”

0306: EWPPG Chapters 3, 4, 5, and 6

Title: Experimenting with the PowerPuff Girls

Author: Prince of the Forgotten

Medium: Cartoons

Topic: PowerPuff Girls

Genre: N/A

Critiqued by: Linstar; Em Kay; BatJamags; Yuki, the poet; MisterShoebox; Delta XIII

A rather green-looking Editing Em: Hey guys, I’m just gonna drop these warnings off and hop in the Brain Bleach Jacuzzi for the next few millennia.


This fic contains pedophilia, incest, gratuitous sexual content, multiple instances of sexual assault and outright rape, as well as justifications for said assaults and rape. While the most graphic details have been snipped, reader discretion is advised and reading the actual fic is heavily, heavily warned against. Trust me.

Yuki: Oh, he’s but a sick fellow, a little bit pedo, sees kids and he’s like, “you’re m-m-mine m-mine.”

Shoe: This is…I mean…there are no words. Actually there are many words and here they are – this fic is an insult to toilet paper.

Bats: Oh, is that all?

Ls: I’m not sure what Klikky left out.


Continue reading “0306: EWPPG Chapters 3, 4, 5, and 6”

0305: Wild at Heart (Zuko) Chapters 23-26

Wild At Heart (Zuko) 

Title: Wild At Heart (Zuko) 

Author: Lone-wolf-fanfics

Topic: Avatar: The Last Airbender

Genre: N/A Hurt/Comfort, it appears

Critiqued by: Linstar 

Hello, everyone, and welcome back to Wild at Heart, where Zuko and Death Kermit are regurgitating the plot of “The Chase”. I’m your host, Linstar, and I’m getting bored. However, some questions still remain. Will the grammatical torture end? Will Kali be a decent character? Will the plot regurgitation ever end? Let’s find out! Here are our counters, and our bingo board:

Continue reading “0305: Wild at Heart (Zuko) Chapters 23-26”

0304: Role the Dice: Asteriskos Sapphirus – “Session” 3, Part 1

Title: Role the Dice: Asteriskos Sapphirus
Author: Travezty
Media: Tabletop RPG
Topic: Dungeons & Dragons
Genre: Adventure / Romance
URL: Chapter 4
Critiqued by BatJamags, Kane, and Silabar the Librarian

Hello once again, wardens and lunatics! Welcome back to this fic. To recap-

Department of Ominous Foreshadowing Agent Trilby: Don’t bother.

… Oh god.

Kane: That bodes ill.

Silabar: How so?

Agents Trilby and Derby are from the Department of Ominous Foreshadowing. Everything they say bodes ill.


We’re… really sticking with that, are we?

It’s Travez!

Do you really think you need to remind us who you are in the fourth chapter?

And I’m here to bring you the first chapter of the next arc of our journey!

More specifically, you’re here to bring us the customary superfluous marathon author’s note preceding the first chapter of the next arc of our journey.

Continue reading “0304: Role the Dice: Asteriskos Sapphirus – “Session” 3, Part 1″

0303: Sue in Spira: Sue-na’s Sueing – Chapters 18-20

Title: Rose in Spira: Yuna’s Journey

Author: StarlightMoon88

Topic: Final Fantasy X

Media: Video Game

Genre: Fantasy, Adventure

URL: Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20

Critiqued by: Em Kay

Greetings and salutations, Wardens and lunatics. I’m Em Kay, and today we’re slogging through another segment of A Narcissist’s Journey.

Harri: You are aware that you’re the one who chose this, correct?

Please don’t remind me.

Anyway, last time the Sue graciously allowed Yuna to tell the party of her plans to marry Seymour… via summarization. Then the Sue steamrolled several major canon events in her haste to blackmail Maester Mika with impractical vagueness. Then they arrived in the Calm Lands so that the Sue could angst about the husband she killed let die. And still no sign of or concern for the missing kid she talks about constantly.

Mother of the Year, folks: 15

I’ll just snip a bit where RoSuelyn gloats about finding part of a Celestial Weapon…

*Snip!* And then we can get started.

Continue reading “0303: Sue in Spira: Sue-na’s Sueing – Chapters 18-20”

0302: Singled Out, Chapters 4-6

Title: Singled Out

URL: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12605636/1/Singled-Out

Author: Lentex

Genre: Hurt/Comfort (allegedly)

Topic: The Loud House

Media: TV Show

Critiqued by: mysteryleap

Hello and welcome to part two of Singled Out! To summarise what’s happened so far, Lincoln has broken a model house he made for his parents’ anniversary, turning his sisters into angry, vengeful brats, which has led to a war of him vs. them. So far, he has gotten them sprayed by skunks, but they have convinced Clyde to knock him unconscious.

Continue reading “0302: Singled Out, Chapters 4-6”

0301: strawberry shortcake: a new start (rewritten) – Chapter 2

Title: strawberry shortcake: a new start (rewritten)
Author: Tsume sakamea
Medium: TV Series
Topic: Strawberry Shortcake (2003)
Genre: Romance (pfft), Humor (BAHAHAHAHA)
Critiqued by: Yuki, the poet

Warning for glorified abuse that crosses into murderous intent on at least one occasion, in-fic swearing and lots of other behaviors that should not be in a Strawberry Shortcake fic. Especially the abuse, my gods. This fic’s abuse trivialization is making me angry and scared at the same time.

” wow who’s the party for?” cinnamon ass looking around

Gives a whole new meaning to talking out of one’s rear, I guess.

” it’s for you two ” strawberry said with a big smile

” for us, but why?” black strawberry asked

Has this fic ever heard of a full stop?

Continue reading “0301: strawberry shortcake: a new start (rewritten) – Chapter 2”

0300: Last of the Lost Part Two (Ls and Bookworm coriff)

Title: Last of the Lost
Author: The BefuddledBookworm
Topic: Lord of the Rings (and also Narnia, briefly)
Media: Book
Genre: Adventure, Romance
URL: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JEwZUZTnsUQ1eHgZk29QtLvU1d8c2dqAqpNtyEcxTRo/edit
Critiqued by TheBefuddledBookworm and Linstar.

Ls: Weeeelcome back to Last of the Lost, where we have more random Latin, plot speedrunning, and angst. With me again is Bookworm. 

Book: Hi! I might not be saying as much today. I’m finding this very hard to read.  

Editing Ls: Wow, our 300th post! That’s… almost a tenth of the Library’s backlog. Woo!

Continue reading “0300: Last of the Lost Part Two (Ls and Bookworm coriff)”

0299: Role the Dice: Asteriskos Sapphirus – “Session” 2, Part 2

Title: Role the Dice: Asteriskos Sapphirus
Author: Travezty
Media: Tabletop RPG
Topic: Dungeons & Dragons
Genre: Adventure / Romance
URL: Chapter 1
Critiqued by BatJamags, Kane, and Silabar the Librarian

Hello once again, wardens and lunatics! Welcome back to the riff whose tag list is steadily expanding until it becomes a gray goo that will consume the Asylum and spare us the rest of the fic.

Where this unfortunate experience last left off, our boring battlers of the Abyss learned that the wererat they showed up to kill was actually totally a cool guy resisting a corrupt noble and not a destructive monster, probably, maybe. Anyway, the real problem is the Margrave Castellan Elector Prince, who is a demon and has been summoning an army of vile demon servants mainly consisting of smelly farm animals. They and the town guard, now answering to the wererat they were hiring mercenaries to kill five seconds ago, raided this guy’s mansion and found out that “Lord Math,” a name which is not even a snarky joke on my part, is in fact a Glabrezu, which should be able to murder them all and spare us the rest of the fic. But alas…

(A/N: Roll Initiative! *Rolls dice* Turn Order: Ember, Fiona, Reduced Threat Glabrezu, Drugo, Longclaw, Damos, Mina.)

*Heavy sigh* I’m not sure whether I hate this or the initiative order being brute-force written into the narrative like before more.

Continue reading “0299: Role the Dice: Asteriskos Sapphirus – “Session” 2, Part 2″
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